Fluoride in the water (Is Fluoride in Spring Water?) Video

Hey There! Are you concerned Fluoride in the Water is going to Kill you?

Well don’t worry you are not alone! I created this video to go over What Fluoride is, why it is in water, and whether or not it is actually bad for you.

Being in the water industry I am constantly getting asked if their fluoride in your water on a regular basis! As a result of being asked so much I was determined to learn more about this mineral and see what all the buzz is about

So Lets start with what Fluoride actually is. It is a mineral that occurs naturally and is released from rocks into the soil, water, and air.

So one misconception that I seem to hear is that Fluoride is made in some lab. That is not the case at all.

Instead because Fluoride is found in a lot of earth’s elements as a result it is often in almost all water but usually in very small amounts.

What really seems to get the most buzz though with Fluoride though is towns and municipalities will add fluoride to their drinking water.

So the first obvious question is Why would they do that? Here is what they believe to be the benefit. According to many sources the water authorities believe that adding a small amount of Fluoride to the water will prevent tooth decay.

This is actually a practice that became popular in 1945 where they started adding Fluoride to community water supplies as the years moved on by 2006 69.2% of the US population was receiving fluoridated water.

So Today many consumers are concerned about the added Fluoride in the drinking water.

But if Fluoride is supposed to reduce tooth decay why would any be against that?

Well from the research I have gather it appears Excess Fluoride is the greatest concern. Now what determines excess doesn’t seem to be so straight forward either. However assuming that you do have “excess” of consuming fluoride some of the concerns are:

Tooth Discoloration

Tooth Decay (Ironic because supposedly the proper amount of Fluoride reduces tooth decay)

Skeletal Weakness – Joints become weak and there is a higher risk of fracture

Neurological Problems particularly for child

High Blood Pressure


Seizures – at a higher risk

Given that all of these concerns it is no wonder why people might be concerned about added Fluoride to the water.

Please do you own research as I am not a medical doctor nor a scientist. This video is for entertaining purposes.


For More about the water industry The Water Blog


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